What yeast is needed for moonshine. Homemade Yeast Recipes

Sometimes it is necessary to propagate good or rare yeast, of which there are very few left. This is often done with alcohol and wine strains if there is no time to wait for the coveted bag to appear on sale or to be delivered from another region. But you can also dilute ordinary ones: dry or bakery pressed ones.

If you add less yeast than the amount recommended in recipes, fermentation will take much longer, and the taste of the finished drink may deteriorate due to the long time spent on the lees. In addition, when fermentation is too long, some yeast release harmful substances into the wort. Therefore, if there is little strain left, it is better to first dilute it separately in a nutrient medium and only then add it to the mash or wort.

In addition to sugar (acting as “food”), for rapid reproduction, yeast requires acids and microelements that accelerate biochemical processes. The most important substances: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium. At home, the easiest way to create a suitable nutrient medium is from malt (sprouted grain) or potato tuber.

Since potatoes are more accessible than malt and do not require preliminary preparation, and the result is the same in both cases, we will next consider a technique based specifically on potatoes.

Ingredients for yeast propagation:

small raw potatoes - 2 pieces;

sugar – 1 heaped tablespoon;

salt - half a tablespoon;

warm water (maximum 30°C) – 250 ml;

yeast - how much is left (a quarter of a teaspoon or less).

To activate the starter for 3-4 liters of mash (juice):

warm water (40°C) – 100 ml;

sugar – 1 level tablespoon;

ready yeast - 2 tablespoons.

Yeast breeding technology.

1. Wash and peel raw potatoes. Grind on a fine grater.

2. Pour the resulting mass into a small saucepan. Add a heaping tablespoon of sugar and half a tablespoon of salt.

3. Pour in water. Mix until smooth.

4. Bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat (do not boil).

5. Cool the mixture to 25-30°C.

6. Pour the prepared nutrient medium into a jar, filling 50-70% of the volume so that there is free space left. Add the remaining cultured yeast. Mix.

7. Put a glove on the neck of the jar or place a water seal. Place the jar in a dark place at room temperature. After 6-12 hours, the yeast will activate and begin to develop - the glove will inflate or the water seal will begin to release gas, the nutrient medium will increase in volume.

8. Depending on the type and freshness of the yeast, fermentation will end in 24-72 hours: the glove will fall (the water seal will stop gurgling), and the foam will disappear from the surface. Pour the diluted yeast into a smaller container so that the mass takes up the entire volume and there is no contact with oxygen. Seal the starter hermetically and transfer it to the refrigerator. Shelf life – up to 3 weeks.

9. To activate the propagated yeast, remove the yeast from the refrigerator before adding it to the mash. In a separate container with 100 ml of water heated to 30°C, add 2 tablespoons of starter and 1 tablespoon of sugar. Stir until sugar dissolves. Cover and put in a warm place for 4 hours, then add to the mash. The starter is enough for 3-4 liters of mash or juice.

10. The resulting yeast can be propagated several times using the above technology.

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2 methods:Growing yeast from bread starterGrowing brewer's yeast

Yeast is a single-celled organism vital to most bakers and brewers around the world due to its ability to convert sugar into carbon dioxide and alcohol. You can create your own bread starter with just flour, water and regular supervision. Cultivating brewer's yeast is more difficult due to the need for a sterile environment, but the process can be performed by experienced homebrewers. Any type of yeast can be stored in the refrigerator, allowing you to recreate the perfect bread or beer many times over.

If you want to know how to prepare yeast before baking, you need to look for how to activate yeast.

Method 1: Growing yeast from sourdough bread

  1. Choose a large, clean jar. Ideally, use a glass jar of at least two liters in size; if the starter starts to grow too quickly, you will have to take it out little by little, as it may turn out that the jar is small. Containers made of plastic, earthenware, or a ceramic container can also be used, but glass is easy to clean and allows you to easily view the bread leaven. It is recommended to sterilize the jar if it is heat-resistant. Wash the jar in hot soapy water and rinse well.

  2. Pour in 1/2 cup (120 ml) dechlorinated water.

    If your tap water contains chlorine, you can use dechlorinating tablets to purify the water, or let it sit for 24 hours. The minerals found in hard water can help yeast thrive, so using distilled water is not recommended.

    • If you do not have water with ideal characteristics, use any water that is safe for consumption.

  3. Stir in 3/4 cup (180ml) flour.

    Use unbleached flour and you can use a sourdough starter for white bread, for dark bread use whole wheat flour. Flour contains wild yeast, microorganisms that produce carbon dioxide and other substances that help bread grow and give it flavor.

    • Mix vigorously, saturating the mixture with air.
    • You can also use many other types of sourdough flour, including brown rice flour and spelled flour.

  4. Add organic, unwashed grapes (optional).

    If you use white flour instead of whole wheat flour, your starter may not eat certain types of yeast that produce a strong flavor. .

    You can try to remedy this by adding some fruit, most commonly adding a handful of grapes to the mix. Use organic grapes that have been grown without the use of pesticides or waxes and add them to the mixture.

    • Grapes also contain yeast, which grows well in sourdough bread. Some bakers recommend this step, but what impact it has is another question.

  5. Cover, but loosely. Do not use an airtight lid, as successful fermentation will produce gas and may break the lid, and the ferment may need additional air. Instead, cover the jar with cheesecloth, a paper towel, or a clean napkin, or use any lid, but do not seal it tightly.

  6. Leave in a warm place for two days.

    For best yeast activity, keep the starter in a warm room, at least 21ºC. After two days, the mixture should become foamy and have a specific smell. Some starters take longer to start growing, but don't worry if you don't notice any changes.

    • If your house is cold, grow the yeast near the heater, but not too close to it, as it will get too hot and bake. Yeast grows in warm environments but dies when it is too hot.

  7. Add 1/2 cup (120ml) water and 3/4 cup (180ml) flour. Mix the water and flour gradually, in small batches, until thoroughly combined. Cover and leave for 24 hours, during which time the yeast will feed on this fertilizer.

  8. Replace part of the starter every day with new water and flour.

    Each day, remove some of the starter, leaving 1/2 cup (120 ml) in the jar. This starter is not effective or safe to use in recipes, discard this part. Add enough water and flour to replace it, the exact amount is not necessary, you can use 3 parts flour and 2 parts water.

    Don't try to add more than three times what's left in the jar.

  9. Follow this process.

    First, the starter may release a yellowish liquid at the top, or smell like alcohol. Luckily this should go away within a week as the yeast grows and starts to smell like bread. Once the yeast has established itself, the mixture should consistently double in size between each feeding. Continue feeding for a week while the starter grows to give the microorganisms a chance to compete with other bacteria. Some starters may not be ready for a month or more.

    • If the mixture produces a dark brown liquid, this is a sign that it is being excreted from the food. Drain the liquid and feed more often, or larger volumes of flour and water.

  10. Move to the refrigerator and feed less often.

    When the mixture has doubled in size every day for three days and does not produce any unpleasant (non-bready) aromas or release liquid, cover it tightly and place it in the refrigerator. The yeast will stop or slow down and will need to be fed once a week with flour and water, discarding some if necessary to avoid overflowing. As long as you remember to feed your starter, it can be stored indefinitely, serving as bread yeast for months or even years.

    • A brown rice flour starter needs to be fed every few days, even in the refrigerator.

  11. Use in bread recipes.

    Before using a portion of the starter, activate it by keeping it at room temperature in napkins or a towel and feed it at least 3 times at intervals of 8-12 hours. Knead the dough thoroughly until the gluten is activated, which will hold the dough together and it will roll out fairly thin. Homemade yeast tends to act more slowly than store-bought yeast, allowing the dough to rise from 4 to 12 hours, or even a day for more sour bread.

    • Make sure you don't overheat the bread dough, as this may kill the yeast. Check the temperature of the dough if you mix it with a mixer with heat.
    • You will also burn adding another flour starter, but be aware that this will add a strong flavor to the starter. Many people prepare pancakes with sourdough, which is selected during the feeding process.

Method 2 Growing brewer's yeast

  1. Start with high quality brewer's yeast.

    You can use store-bought liquid brewer's yeast, but the growing process is usually very difficult and time-consuming if you start growing it from available supplies. Typically, homebrewers grow brewer's yeast from beer lees from a successful or favorite beer or from expensive beers for repeated use.

    • Growing your own yeast can take a lot of time and effort. This method doesn't require you to brew the beer at home, just keep the yeast growing.
    • It should be noted that yeast from bottled beer lees is different from brewer's yeast in its initial fermentation, so the results may not be what you expect.

  2. Work in a clean area.

    Air pollution can destroy yeast cultures and bacteria. Avoid damp areas and places where you cook food. Close the windows in your yeast growing room and work in warm weather.

    • Always wash your hands with antibacterial soap before handling yeast.

  3. Clean and disinfect the surface. Wash your work surface or table as thoroughly as possible. Remove as many microorganisms as possible with detergents that contain alcohols. Let dry.

  4. Purchase of equipment.

    The easiest way to purchase the necessary equipment is to purchase a beer kit that can produce yeast starter. If you are purchasing equipment in parts, check what is included with that equipment in the What you'll need section. Look in pharmacies or laboratory equipment stores, in classifieds or online.

    • Ordering laboratory equipment in the United States may be subject to government review.
    • Agar powder is available in many Asian stores. If you can't find it, use unflavored gelatin, but know that gelatin-based starters need to be kept cool to avoid melting.

  5. Sterilize suitable containers.

    Heat fireproof containers and lids in the pressure cooker for 10 minutes to kill all sources of contamination. Small deep plates and glass containers are often used. Starter jars are often included in a brewing kit.

    • If you don't have a pressure cooker, immerse containers in water and boil for 30 minutes. However, this is not as effective at killing all contaminant sources that would likely affect the growth of the yeast cultures and cause the starter to fail to grow or become moldy.
    • If you have sterile plastic bags to store the containers in, you can do everything in advance.

  6. Let the containers cool, then apply heat to them. Because sterilization is very important for brewer's yeast culture, so that other microorganisms can affect the cultivation. Use a propane torch or other high-heat tool, a portable flame source (not a regular lighter), and apply heat to the edges of the container.

  7. Use soft or distilled water.

    If the tap water in your area is “heavy”, meaning it contains large amounts of chalk and carbonate minerals, this can cause large amounts of bacteria to grow in the yeast. Use distilled water to be safe, or test the water's pH level using only water that reads 5.3 or close to it.

  8. Boil 1 cup (240ml) moda and 1/4 cup dried malt extract.

    Heat water in a pressure cooker to avoid boiling over, or use an airtight pan. Add dried malt extract and mix until dissolved. Bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes, keeping a close eye on the stove to ensure the mixture does not boil over.

    • This is called a "wort starter."

  9. Turn off heat and stir in 1/2 teaspoon (2.5ml) agar powder until dissolved.

    The starter already contains yeast cultures and nutrients, but the resulting agar powder thickens the mixture and provides a base for the yeast to grow. It is worth noting that thickening will not occur at this stage.

    • Use plain gelatin only if you can't find agar powder; after making the mixture, the gelatin may melt in a warm room.

  10. Bring to a boil again. Boil for 15 minutes. Again, be careful not to let it boil over.

  11. Remove from heat. Leave the mixture to cool to 50ºC or similar, or colder if using gelatin instead of agar. The mixture should thicken but not harden completely.

  12. Fill each container with a small layer of the mixture. Take your sterile containers and fill each with a small amount of the boiled starter mixture. Deep bowls should be filled 1/4 full, larger bowls should be filled no less.

  13. Cover the containers and wait. Place lids on containers or wrap in plastic wrap. Let them cool for half an hour and watch the starter harden due to the agar powder. Once you have tilted the container and the starter has not spread, it is ready.

  14. Sterilize the inoculation loop.

    An inoculation loop, available at laboratory supply stores, is a miniature wire loop on the end of a stick used to transfer microorganisms such as yeast. Sterilize the end of the loop by heating it in a flame until the entire loop turns orange or red from the heat. .

    Cool the loop to room temperature or slightly warmer by placing it in a shallow bowl of isopropyl alcohol, or by wiping it with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol.

    • If you don't cool the loop, the heat can kill the yeast.
    • By cooling it in water or air, you give it a chance to get microorganisms that can be killed with alcohol.

  15. Lightly outline with yeast sediment.

    Don't try to put in a visible amount of yeast. All you have to do is lightly dip the loop on top of the liquid.

  16. Gently add the yeast to the surface of the starter.

    Leave the lid on just long enough for the loop to sink into one of your starters. This will transfer the yeast to a bacteria-free starter. To minimize the chance of contamination, reapply the lid immediately. Invert your containers or special containers to the 3/4 seal position.

    • The process of adding microorganisms to a plate is called “plating” in microbiology.

  17. Repeat sterilization before adding yeast for each container. Use the same process to add yeast to each container, but remember to warm the inoculation loop, sterilize between each transfer, then cool it in alcohol. Yeast grown at home has a relatively high chance of contamination, so using several separate cultures increases the likelihood that some of your starters will eventually be usable

  18. Check the yeast over the next few days.

    Store containers at 21-26ºC, the ideal temperature range for active yeast growth. Discard any crops that grow lint or mold balls or do not grow any visible yeast after a few days. Successful yeast cultures will produce a milky layer on the surface and you will be able to see individual clumps of yeast from points on the surface.

  19. Place the surviving starters in the refrigerator.

    Now, to ensure successful cultures are activated, completely wrap the containers in film or other light-proof material, as light can destroy or damage the yeast clumps. Store them in the refrigerator, ideally at 1-2ºC or slightly warmer, to slow their growth and prevent nutrients from dying off.

    If you want to use one of the starters, take it out of the refrigerator in advance to bring it to room temperature before using it.

  • You can also grow your yeast starter in a jar with fruit and water, or with potatoes, sugar or water.


  • Leave the jar of sourdough starter half-filled with sourdough starter and leave less mixture each time as it begins to actively grow in volume.

What you will need

Bread sourdough:

  • Big jar
  • Cover, towel or paper napkins
  • Fridge

Brewer's yeast:

  • Brewer's yeast
  • Propane torch or other high temperature portable flame sources
  • Inocular loop
  • Agar powder
  • Pressure cooker
  • Soft or distilled water
  • Sealed flask
  • Dried malt extract (or other yeast)
  • Small containers.
  • Isopropyl alcohol
  • Opaque film
  • Fridge

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Alcohol production

Nutrient medium. The best nutrient medium for the propagation of alcoholic yeast is a malt-based medium, since it contains all the minerals necessary for their life and, moreover, the nitrogen contained in malt sprouts is most easily used by yeast as a food product. Malt from any cereal grain is suitable, but preference is given to malt from rye.

Under production conditions, mother and seed yeasts are propagated on malt wort. As for the production of production yeast, we are guided by the rule that the nutrient medium must contain not only all the nutrients necessary for the propagation of yeast, but at the same time its composition must correspond as closely as possible to the medium for which the yeast is prepared for fermentation. Therefore, despite the fact that a malt-based medium is the best for feeding alcoholic yeast, it is used for the propagation of industrial yeast, which is used only for the fermentation of cereal wort. Wort from potatoes, sugar beets, molasses or Jerusalem artichoke is fermented with industrial yeast propagated on wort prepared from the same raw materials with the addition of missing nutrients.

The scientific and technical literature provides various recipes and technologies for preparing the nutrient medium. We will present only a few of them, focusing on the preparation of a nutrient medium for the propagation of yeast from malt and a mixture of malt with flour, as the most universal.

Yeast wort based on malt. Freshly prepared crushed (or dry in the form of flour) malt is mixed with slightly heated (to a temperature of 30-35 ° C) water until the consistency of sour cream is achieved (approximately 0.5 kg of freshly prepared or 0.3-0.4 kg of malt flour per 1 .0-1.2 liters of water). The dough temperature slowly rises to 60-62°C, at which saccharification of the malt occurs due to the enzymes present in it. The duration of saccharification is 2 hours. By

After the specified time, the temperature of the mass is increased to the boiling point, at which the mass is sterilized within 20 minutes. A milder sterilization mode is also used: temperature 75-80°C, duration 20-30 minutes.

Yeast wort based on flour and malt. To prepare 1 liter of yeast wort for the propagation of production yeast, about 120-130 g of flour (rye is recommended) and the same amount of dry malt in the form of flour or 180-200 g of freshly grown crushed malt are used. Flour is mixed with 0.3-0.4 l, malt - 0.6-0.5 l of water. The technology is carried out as follows. Malt and flour are mixed separately with slightly heated (30-35°C) water until a homogeneous sour cream-like consistency is obtained. After this, in order to deisterize the starch, the mixture of flour and water is heated to 80-90°C, maintained at this temperature for 1 hour, j cooled to such a temperature that after adding the previously prepared mixture of malt with water to the paste, the temperature of the mass is 60-62 °C. The duration of saccharification is 1.5-2 hours. After saccharification, the mass is sterilized at 80-90°C for 30-40 minutes and cooled.

A nutrient medium for the propagation of industrial yeast intended for fermentation of wort from other types of raw materials is prepared from part of the wort intended for fermentation by adding the following quantity of malt to each 1 liter of yeast wort: potato - 60 g, corn - 100, chicory or Jerusalem artichoke - 80, beet 40-50, molasses or sugar - 50-60 g. The technology for preparing yeast wort from these materials is generally identical and | consists of uniformly stirring the malt with removal from the main mash, heating the mass to 57-60°C and saccharification of the malt starch at this temperature for 25-30 minutes, sterilizing it at 85°C for 20 minutes, and cooling. If there is no malt, it is necessary to add urea and

Orthophosphoric acid in an amount of 0.05-0.07% of each of the mass of raw materials spent! for preparing yeast wort,

A nutrient medium for the propagation of yeast for the fermentation of starch-containing raw materials is prepared without malt, after weaning from the old wort, adding minerals to it (see Table 17).

The nutrient medium for the propagation of yeast used for fermentation of wort from mixed raw materials, for example, from sugar beets, molasses and potatoes, is prepared at weaning from the wort that is richest in nutrients, in this example

From potatoes.

Acidification (acidification) of the nutrient medium. In a nutrient medium prepared in this way, it is necessary to create conditions under which the development of pathogenic microorganisms is impossible, and the development of alcoholic yeast will occur under optimal conditions. In industrial conditions, two technologies are used: sulfuric acid, using sulfuric acid, and the yeast obtained using this technology is called sulfuric acid, and lactic acid, using lactic acid, and the yeast obtained using this technology is called lactic acid. (Note that at the beginning of this century, in the technology of industrial alcohol production in Russia and Europe, hydrofluoric acid (HF) was widely used along with lactic acid to acidify the yeast bed, and sulfuric acid was used for these purposes only sporadically).

In both cases, the nutrient medium prepared as described above is cooled to 50-52°C and at this temperature either sulfuric acid or a pure culture of lactic acid bacteria, which produces lactic acid, is added to it. Since it is believed that lactic acid yeast produces alcohol of a higher quality than sulfuric acid yeast, we will describe the method of acidifying the medium using lactic acid in some detail.

Nutrient: medium with lactic acid. The use of lactic acid bacteria for acidifying the nutrient medium is based on the fact that the product of their vital activity is lactic acid

Not only does talc suppress the development of pathogenic microorganisms, but at the same time it enhances the growth of yeast. Under the conditions of modern industrial production, a sterilized nutrient medium, as described earlier, is cooled to a temperature of 50-52°C and acidified by adding a pure culture of lactic acid bacteria to it. A temperature of 50-52°C is optimal for the life of lactic acid bacteria, so maintaining it is extremely important.

Typically, the duration of souring is 18-24 hours at temperatures of 50-52°C, and the concentration is achieved

Lactic acid is about 10 g/l of nutrient medium. Under favorable temperature conditions, the acidification of the nutrient medium can last much longer, since lactic acid bacteria themselves are destroyed by a sufficient concentration of the product of their vital activity - lactic acid. Before the introduction of a culture of pure lactic acid bacteria into the technology of alcohol production, the acidification of the nutrient medium was carried out in various ways, some of which were quite complex. One of the simplest methods was to lubricate the walls of the yeast propagation container with sour milk. Later it was found that lactic acid bacteria in milk sour at room temperature are not identical to lactic acid bacteria necessary for distillation, and that the latter can be obtained in sufficiently pure form in milk sour at a temperature of 50°C.

If you add seeding yeast to a nutrient medium with a vital lactic acid bacterium and subsequently multiply production yeast into the wort, then the lactic acid bacteria will continue their vital activity in the wort, which is impractical. In order to destroy lactic acid bacteria, the acidified nutrient medium is sterilized at 75-80°C for 10-20 minutes. The nutrient medium sterilized in this way is quickly cooled to the required temperature and seeding yeast is added to it.

Nutrient medium with hydrofluoric (HF) and sulfuric (H2SO4) acids. The use of these acids for acidifying wort significantly simplifies the technology, shortens its duration and increases the yield of alcohol, since sugars are not spent on the proliferation of lactic acid bacteria and the formation of lactic acid.

Nutrient medium with hydrofluoric acid. I. Efron showed that lactic acid during yeast propagation can be replaced by a small amount of hydrofluoric acid, which is a strong poison for pathogenic microorganisms. In this case, yeast propagation is carried out as follows. From the wort prepared for fermentation, take the amount necessary for yeast propagation, cool it to a temperature of 27-28 ° C, after which dilute hydrofluoric acid is added to it at the rate of 2.3-2.5 g of 100% acid per 10 liters of yeast wort . After cooling the wort to 22-23°C, pitching yeast is added to it in the amount of 1 liter of pitching yeast per 10 liters of yeast wort (note that here we are talking about industrial technology, where the volume of yeast wort is many hundreds of liters, due to which the reproduction yeast in it is accompanied by a significant increase in temperature). After 10-^12 hours, production yeast is ready to be added to the main wort.

Note that the introduction of hydrofluoric acid into the main wort also leads to an increase in the yield of alcohol and an increase in its quality. However, it is added to the main wort in such a way that its concentration in it after adding yeast wort, which already contains hydrofluoric acid, is 2 times lower than in yeast wort. Instead of hydrofluoric acid, ammonium fluoride or aluminum fluoride can be used: the latter is taken at 0.15-0.3 g per 10 liters of wort.

Nutrient medium with sulfuric acid. The acid is added to the yeast wort after saccharification and sterilization when it reaches a temperature of 50-55°C. It is recommended that the acidity of the yeast wort be: molasses - 1.2-1.4°; potatoes - 0.9-1.2; flour, malt or mixtures thereof - 0.7-0.9°. In the conditions of industrial alcohol production, the required amount of acid in each specific case is determined by titration, which, if the appropriate chemicals are available, can be carried out at home. In case of their absence, the indicated acidity of the yeast wort is approximately ensured by adding a kilo of wort from: molasses - 2.4-2.5 ml; potatoes - 1.3-1.5; malt, flour or their mixture - 1.0-1.2 ml of acid. The volume of acid with 100% H2SO4 content is indicated. The acid is added as follows. The measured amount of acid is diluted with 5-6 times the volume of water in a glass container, pouring the acid into the water, after which the diluted acid is poured into the wort, cooled to a temperature of 50-55°C. After cooling the acidified yeast wort to a temperature of 28-30°C, yeast is added to it for its propagation.

The process of yeast reproduction. Typically, yeast propagation is carried out at 28-30°C. In industrial production conditions, where yeast propagation is carried out in containers of relatively large volume, the initial propagation temperature is 15-20°C. During the process of yeast reproduction, it spontaneously increases to 28-30°C, which is maintained during the reproduction process. The duration of reproduction at this temperature is usually 15-20 hours. At the same time, about 4-5% of sugars remain unprocessed, and the share of alcohol is 8-10 vol.%. This proportion of alcohol is necessary for the reason that part of the multiplied yeast (about 1/10 of the volume) will be used as seed in the next cycle of production of production yeast, and the resulting alcohol is a preservative. If it is not intended to select seeds from the multiplying yeast, then reproduction can be stopped 8-10 hours after adding seeds

Rice. 13. Designs of fermentation piles. The arrows indicate the direction of movement of carbon dioxide.

Yeast to the nutrient medium" In this case, the proportion of alcohol will be 4-5 vol.%.

In domestic conditions, it is possible to use wort, for example, from sugar, which does not contain the nutrients necessary for the propagation of yeast, and there is no malt or other materials containing nutrients for yeast. In this case, a sufficient amount of yeast must be added to the wort immediately. The required amount can be estimated as follows. It is known that in the conditions of industrial alcohol production, for example, from molasses containing 17-18% Sugars, at the end of fermentation, 100 liters of mature mash contain 1.5-2 kg of yeast in terms of pressed yeast 75% moisture, that is, such as are supplied to retail. This means that for quick and high-quality fermentation of wort, in which yeast will not multiply, 75-100 g of pressed yeast per 1 kg of sugar is sufficient. This quantity of yeast is sufficient in excess to ferment wort from any other material containing the necessary food for the propagation of yeast. In any case, the quality of the alcohol will be higher when the yeast multiplies during the fermentation process. This is possible if the wort contains all the nutrients necessary for their life.

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#1 Lzaza Posted 25 January 2017 - 19:26

  • Moscow city
  • Hobby:Brewer
  • Your experience: Beginner

Well, comrades, I’m almost ready to master the basics of microbiology) Chemical glassware has been purchased, the box for conducting experiments is ready.

Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow I’ll collect the lager yeast from the fermenter in a test tube and on the weekend I’ll start making crops. I didn’t put all the dishes in the frame, but it seems like everything is there.

maybe someone won’t appreciate my impulse to breed yeast, but that’s who I am and I’m interested in it) don’t judge my equipment too harshly, I think it’s good for a start)

in the first photo there is a regular lamp to illuminate the workspace, in the second the UV lamp is turned on.

compressor connected to 0.023 micron filter (filter inside)

since the hydrometer readings showed that the lager had fermented, I decided to collect the S-23 yeast today, first boiled a test tube with a stopper and held it under a UV lamp for 20 minutes, then the test tube went into the refrigerator. The operation of filling the test tube was carried out wearing gloves in a box. I pre-sprayed everything with 70% alcohol.

  • Demid, Pro-SS, Grigoriy163 and 2 others like this

#2 Pro-SS Posted 25 January 2017 - 22:38

  • Messages: 3,581
  • CityStavropol
  • Hobby:Brewer
  • Your experience:Advanced

Everything is fine! They wrote to you about surfaces, and by the way, Sanpin also writes about this, ceramic tiles are smooth, oil paint, plastic, those maximally smooth, even surfaces. Children should have taken laminated chipboard, it’s not very expensive, but it would be better for you. But I understand that you are still at the development stage, I think that window profiles and sandwich panels + glass will be the most correct solution for you.

I understood that you were inspired by the whole thing, but I just don’t understand why you would sow crops with yeast from a tank and find strong cultures? Is it better to buy liquid yeast and propagate it in this way, or take a pure culture from our Russian yeast producers?

#3 Lzaza Posted January 25, 2017 - 23:45

  • Moscow city
  • Hobby:Brewer
  • Your experience: Beginner

I’ll do that, I just want to work out the process itself now)

Boiling wort to create a nutrient medium and breed yeast

To breed yeast, I need 5 liters of wort (with a reserve) with a density of 1.040. I mashed 0.9 kg of Pale according to the simplest scheme - 64 degrees 1 hour and 78 degrees

While I was boiling the wort, I washed two flasks for the 1st and 2nd transfers and five test tubes. I placed them on foil, pre-treated with 70% alcohol. Washed with Starsan

two liter bottles, one will contain wort to reproduce the nutrient medium, the second for the final starter.

Finished wort with a density of 1.040

and then pipetted 10 ml of 5 ml into each test tube,

At this stage I didn’t bother too much with disinfection, i.e. use a box, gloves and a UV lamp, because it will still boil.

I also put the plugs in the pan, this is not shown in the photo. Boiled for 10 minutes.

  • Demid, Pro-SS, Grigoriy163 and 3 others like this

#4 Lzaza Posted January 25, 2017 - 23:56

  • Moscow city
  • Hobby:Brewer
  • Your experience: Beginner

One liter bottle went into the refrigerator from which I will make a nutrient medium (probably tomorrow, if I have the strength)

The second one is in the freezer for now - it is for the final starter, after defrosting I will boil it again, or rather the wort from it.

I put alcohol-preserved foil on the flasks, secured them with an elastic band and also put them in the refrigerator; they will be needed at stages 1 and 2 of propagation.

I cooled the test tubes and sealed them with stoppers and also in the cold. At this stage, I did everything using gloves treated with 70% alcohol.

That's all for today.

  • MASIV, Demid, Pro-SS and 2 others like this

#5 Dmitri Posted January 26, 2017 - 00:44

  • CityViimsi
  • Hobby:Brewer
  • Your experience: Beginner

Super! Dream. Also busy looking for specials. dishes

#6 Badvoice Posted 26 January 2017 - 01:01

  • CitySpb
  • Hobby:Brewer
  • Your experience: Beginner

You have a lot of free time and space in your apartment :)

2x BeerZavodik + brewer 2 in 1 20 l

#7 Lzaza Posted 26 January 2017 - 01:18

  • Moscow city
  • Hobby:Brewer
  • Your experience: Beginner

I do all this at work and after work)

#8 Aol_WB Posted 26 January 2017 - 01:43

  • Moscow city
  • Hobby:Brewer
  • Your experience:Advanced

Apparently, tindalization is meant... Only, you need at least 3 boils and 24 hours between them at a temperature of 25-37 Celsius.

It seems to me that “Muravyov’s autoclave” will be simpler. The only thing is that midisarts are too expensive.

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And autumn is on the horizon again. The grapes are ripening. With an experienced eye, winemakers estimate how much tasty intoxicating drink will come out of the bunches of the current harvest. Each of them has their own criterion for achieving success. Some people put the quality of the berries at the forefront, others rely on the correct proportion of sugar, while others consider temperature balance to be the main thing in the process of making wine.

However, almost all of them agree that the high quality of the drink will be ensured primarily by good wine yeast. The honor of discovering these single-celled fungi belongs to the famous naturalist Antonie van Leeuwenhoek from the Netherlands, who saw them using the microscopes he created (by the way, the best of his optical instruments provided a magnification of 500 times). And the no less famous French microbiologist Louis Pasteur described in detail the process of yeast fermentation that occurs during wine production. They say that he conducted such research at the request of the French authorities, interested in expanding the export of domestic wines.

Where can a winemaker get high-quality yeast? You can, of course, rely on a product developed in special laboratories. There is an alternative - make your own wine yeast.

Growing wine yeast from raisins at home

It turns out that this is not such a difficult procedure. We will visit any nearby market, where there are always sellers of sweets from Central Asia. There are up to a dozen varieties of raisins on the shelves, to which we will pay special attention. However, we do not trust our eyes, which are fixed on the amber full berries. Surely they were visited by some kind of chemical during ripening and certainly killed the wine yeast that had settled on the bunches. Instead, we buy lean, bluish raisins and always with tails.

Sourdough recipe

The following ingredients will be required:

  • two handfuls of raisins purchased at the market;
  • half a glass of granulated sugar;
  • two glasses of water.

We also stock up on a liter bottle with a wide neck or a glass jar of the same volume. It is advisable to sterilize this container in order to ensure that it gets rid of the possible presence of foreign microorganisms in it. Next we work in the following sequence:

After a couple of days, the contents will actively ferment. By the fifth day, fermentation will have weakened, and after another day, the starter with yeast can be poured into the wort. If it is not ready yet, the product can be kept in the refrigerator, but not longer than a few days.

Note that raisins do not have a monopoly in the preparation of fermentation agents. Next, let's look at the alternatives.

How to make wine yeast at home from grapes

It is better to use ripe bunches of small varieties of berries. Let's find in the pantry a glass container for preparing the starter - a liter jar or a large milk bottle, wash it thoroughly and sterilize it. We carry out further steps in the following sequence:

The yeast starter is ready to be transferred to the wort.

What fruits can replace raisins and grapes when making wine yeast?

Wild wine yeast can be found on the surface of almost any fruit and berry. Therefore, almost all of them will be used to make a fermentation agent. First of all this:

  • strawberries;
  • white currant;
  • gooseberry;
  • raspberries;
  • rose hip;
  • plum;
  • apples.

The creation procedure is similar to the process described above, where grapes are used. It is recommended to harvest raw materials in the morning or evening in calm, dry weather. It is advisable that there is no precipitation for a day or two before this.

Dose of yeast starter required to create wine

It depends on what kind of drink you want. To make dry wine, you need to add 200 grams of fermentation product per 10 liters of wort. If your goal is dessert wine, the amount of starter needs to be increased by one and a half times.

We hope that, having mastered the provisions of this article, the reader will not have any difficulties in how to make yeast at home. And as a result you will get a wonderful aromatic drink. Important nuance: Never use alcohol yeast to make wine.. They have a completely different purpose - to create strong drink. Such yeast will serve you if you decide to distill moonshine based on grape marc, which many winemakers throw in the trash. Especially for chacha lovers, we will present a few more recipes. As a rule, these are simple processes. And acquiring the necessary ingredients is not difficult.

DIY alcoholic yeast

  • Place two hundred grams of hop cones in a saucepan, add three liters of water and boil for three hours, stirring from time to time. Cool to 40 degrees and strain. Pour two cups of rye malt and flour and half a cup of baker's yeast into the broth. Stir the mixture thoroughly and leave it in a warm place for a day. Distribute the resulting yeast mixture among the jars and close tightly.
  • Dilute a glass of flour in a glass of heated water and place in a warm place. After six hours, pour a tablespoon of sugar into the mixture and pour in 250 grams of beer (preferably dark). Stir thoroughly. The yeast is ready.
  • Grind half a kilo of rye bread with your hands. Pour two glasses of heated water over it, add a handful of raisins and three tablespoons of sugar. Place the mixture in a warm place for fermentation. After 24 hours, strain the liquid and squeeze out the bread. Pour flour into the resulting infusion in such an amount that the mixture resembles the consistency of sour cream. After two to three hours, the product is ready for use.

Good luck in your work in the field of winemaking! And remember what the Ministry of Health said about excessive drinking.

Attention, TODAY only!

Making moonshine at home is a complex and exciting process. The taste and smell of the resulting drink depends on how high-quality the raw materials are chosen. No one wants to spoil their tasting experience with unpleasant odors or yeast flavors. Therefore, you need to pay great attention to the quality of the selected products.

To make a good mash, you need to choose the right yeast. This affects how much alcohol and over what period of time will be obtained after fermentation, as well as how pure the moonshine will be. Therefore, many people taking their first steps in moonshine brewing are wondering: what yeast is best to use for mash? If in Soviet times there was no special choice, they used ordinary bakeries, but today stores offer a large selection of this product.

Why is yeast needed?

Yeast itself is a mushroom, which, when reproducing, process sugar and release carbon dioxide and ethanol. This is the fermentation process. Of course, these organisms need a suitable environment, a certain temperature. They can exist in a liquid that contains ethyl alcohol, but only to a certain concentration. There are many types of yeast, but not all of them are suitable for making moonshine.

In order for yeast to begin to multiply and ferment, a number of conditions must be met. They can carry out their useful activities only in the temperature range from 22 to 28 degrees Celsius. On top of that, for better fermentation, jars of mash should be placed in a dark place. If, for example, you mix water and sugar, and then add yeast, cover the container with a glove or a water seal, after a while the liquid will become lighter. When opening the can there will be a smell of alcohol. This will be the desired result of fermentation.

These mushrooms are very sensitive to water quality. You cannot use tap water here. Spring water is best, or at least bottled water sold in supermarkets.

Variety of varieties

Strains that are used for moonshine can be sold in pressed and dry form. The former are more used for baking. They have a limited lifespan, so before using them for mash, you should carefully inquire about the expiration date on the packaging.

Dry yeast is a fungal spore, which are just waiting to be placed in a favorable environment for reproduction. Many people think that they are not suitable for making mash, but this is far from the case. Supermarkets offer a large selection of these products.

Yeast itself comes in different types:

  1. Bakery.
  2. Wine;
  3. Beer houses;
  4. Turbo yeast;
  5. Alcohol.

Not all of them are suitable for mash, they give different ethanol yields, and so on. Therefore, it is better to study the issue thoroughly, and then decide which yeast is better for moonshine.

You can purchase this product in supermarkets and specialty stores. There are websites that sell yeast specifically for making mash and moonshine. The quality of the resulting moonshine depends on this product no less than on the moonshine still. Many people do not take this point into account, and then are very surprised that the drink smells strongly of fusel and is impossible to drink.

Bakery strains

These strains are the most common. Previously, they were the only ones used to make mash. But it is worth noting that this is not the best option. Making mash with baker's yeast takes a long time - up to two weeks. The result is a drink with a strength not exceeding 10 degrees. At the same time, a large amount of fusel oils accumulates in the liquid. As a result, moonshine from such mash is of low quality; it needs to be distilled a lot to get rid of impurities and unpleasant odors.

At the same time, the baking variety has its advantages:

  1. They are sold in all grocery stores;
  2. They are very inexpensive;
  3. Can be stored for a long time in the refrigerator;
  4. Easy to use.

Baker's yeast is sold in dry and compressed form. After opening the package and using the latter, they must be placed in the freezer so that they do not spoil. To prepare mash, take 100 grams of product per 1 kg of sugar.

This type is also good because it can be immediately added to the wort, and the fermentation itself begins quite quickly. Wherein This product also has disadvantages:

  1. With them, the mash turns out to be weak, 9-11 degrees.
  2. Moonshine has a characteristic smell that not everyone likes.
  3. If the product is stored incorrectly, it will quickly deteriorate.
  4. Needs feeding.
  5. They produce abundant foam, since these mushrooms produce large amounts of carbon dioxide.

Dry yeast can be used to make mash. They are quite suitable for moonshine; they are sold in small bags and must be diluted in water before use. Famous brands include Saf Moment, Saf Levure and Pakmaya yeast.

Among their advantages are:

  1. Cheapness and availability;
  2. Ease of use;
  3. Long shelf life.

The proportions of dry yeast mash are as follows: for 1 kilogram of sugar, take from 16 to 20 grams of product. Before adding it must be diluted in water.

The mash on this product arrives slowly, there is a high probability of foam formation. Here you will need a defoamer, which can be purchased at the store. Otherwise, you will have to regularly wash the floor around the place where the jar of mash stands.

The yeast smell, although slight, is still present. The yield is also not very strong: the mushrooms die at an ethanol concentration of 14 percent.

Wine yeast

This product is suitable for to make moonshine, but with some restrictions. Wine yeast lives in the wild on grape berries and is used in Italy and the Caucasus to prepare strong alcoholic drinks: grappa and chacha. In fact, they are ideal for fermenting grape marc that remains after wine production. Grape moonshine is made from this mash, which has an excellent taste and aroma.

This product is well suited for the production of mash from berries or fruits. But it is not recommended to use it for sugar mash.

Dry wine yeast is sold in stores.. They have great advantages:

  1. With their help you can get a drink with a strength of 17 degrees.
  2. They do not have the characteristic yeasty smell in either mash or moonshine.
  3. They are very unpretentious in storage.
  4. There are no foreign organisms in them; it is a dry, clean product.
  5. They add a special taste to drinks, especially those made from grapes.

You can make your own wild yeast at home, and there are many different recipes for it. But the quality of purchased ones is also quite acceptable.

Brewer's yeast

This product is not suitable for mash and moonshine.. In itself, it is indispensable when making beer. It will also be useful as a dietary supplement. Brewer's yeast was invented in Germany in the 19th century.

This strain is not suitable for moonshine for two very important reasons. Firstly, during fermentation they produce a very large foam output, which is completely unacceptable. Secondly, as a result, too little ethyl alcohol is formed in the liquid. However, there are craftsmen who use brewer's yeast to prepare mash and moonshine. You can also make this product yourself at home.

Turbo yeast

This product occupies an intermediate position between bakery and alcohol products. The attitude towards him is ambiguous. Some praise him, others, on the contrary, criticize him.

Manufacturers promise record results; the fermentation process, according to them, takes no more than two days. The output should be a mash with a strength of about 20 degrees. Of course, this is a good result. In addition, turbo yeast has other advantages:

Some experts are critical of such statements. This composition is used in the food industry. There is a high probability that the result will be a strong, but tasteless mash. Therefore, to obtain good moonshine, it is worth feeding the crop.

Turbo yeast is not cheap, this is also a drawback. An ordinary pack of Turbo-24 should be enough for 40 liters of mash, but it is not a fact that the costs will be recouped. You can purchase them on the websites of winemakers or in specialized stores.

Alcohol strains

Alcoholic yeast is considered the best option for making mash and moonshine. They themselves were created specifically for the creation of alcoholic beverages. They are suitable for sugar mash. If moonshine is made from grains, then these strains will also be the best option. This is due to the following reasons:

  1. High fermentation speed. 4 days is enough;
  2. Strains begin to die at an ethanol concentration of 18 degrees, therefore, the result will be a mash with exactly this strength.
  3. There is no smell left from this product, so it turns out to be a very high-quality drink;
  4. They do not produce foam. The container with mash can be filled almost completely. Defoamers will not be needed.
  5. They are easy to store, easy to use, do not contain unnecessary impurities, and so on.

Alcoholic yeast is sold in dry form. To prepare mash, strains are required in a ratio of 2.5 grams per 10 liters of wort.

You can buy the product in specialized stores and on the Internet.

How to properly prepare sourdough

To create the most comfortable conditions for the mushrooms, they need to be fed. This will increase colony survival and fermentation rate. The culture will need vitamins, microelements, ammonia and phosphorus salts. Fertilizers can be used as fertilizing; garden owners usually have them. We are talking about adding superphosphate, urea, ammophosphate, and so on to the liquid.

There are also traditional methods of feeding. For better yeast growth, you can add to the mash:

  1. Raisin;
  2. Boiled peas;
  3. Nettle leaves;
  4. Rye bread;
  5. Rye flour, brewed with boiling water;
  6. Ground malt.

Feeding for the colony can also be bought in stores. They are specially produced industrially for moonshine brewing. They already have all the necessary nutrients. Often winemakers use a preparation from the shells of brewer's yeast, which have already been used and dried.

Terms of use

It’s not enough to buy the right strains, you need approach the preparation of the mash correctly. There are a number of rules that will help create high-quality strong alcohol with good characteristics.

It is impossible to say for sure which yeast is best for mash. You can experiment with different types of them, but this is the lot of experienced moonshiners. For beginners, alcohol-based ones are most suitable. Thanks to them, you can create high-quality moonshine with a minimum of disadvantages.

Attention, TODAY only!

What is the place of yeast in the multi-stage process of moonshine brewing, and why is it necessary to add it to the mash? The fact is that mash, which is a complex solution of various organic substances (glucose, fructose, etc.), turns into alcohol thanks to the activity of yeast bacteria. At the same time, the yeast itself can be anything: wine, wild, dry, pressed, as long as the process of sugar oxidation starts. The resulting product is distilled and then used to produce strong drinks.


What yeast to use for sugar mash

Table of the ratio of sugar, alcoholic yeast and water for mash

If possible, alcohol yeast should be used to prepare moonshine.
They are the most effective and act faster, and were developed specifically for the production of alcoholic beverages. But if you don’t have high-quality yeast at hand, any other yeast will do, you just have to slightly adjust the process. Exactly how much yeast to use per unit of mash or sugar is usually indicated in the moonshine recipe; there is no single correct solution for all cases.

Alcoholic yeast is sometimes difficult to buy; it is not available everywhere. If there is a shortage of such a reliable product, you will have to use baking or dry pressed ones. With them you can also get a high-quality distillate without much difficulty.

Baker's yeast is available in all stores, so it is better to use moonshine recipes using it.

In principle, if there are enough corresponding bacteria in the yeast, it is not very important what they are called. The point is to strictly follow the moonshine recipes that have long been proven in practice, to use the correct ratio of the amount of yeast to the amount of sugar, and to create the proper conditions for fermentation.

There are many brands of baker's yeast that are used in moonshine brewing; as is often the case, there is no single opinion on their advantages, so it is worth taking the advice of experts you can trust, and even better, gaining the relevant experience of your own. Then there will certainly be no mistakes in selecting ingredients for such an exciting activity as moonshine production.

Dry yeast mash recipe

As for the practice-tested optimal ratio of the amount of sugar and yeast, it is customary to use 100 grams of yeast and 30 liters of water for 7 kg of sugar, however, the amount of yeast may vary, usually the ratio is indicated on the package

The maturation of wort, as already mentioned, requires certain conditions. It's about temperature 25-30°С, in which fungal microorganisms feel most favorable. At the same time, temperature stability is important; temperature fluctuations, both upward and downward, are categorically undesirable.

Ensuring the required temperature conditions for wort in a private house and in a city apartment is not so difficult. To do this, you should find a room without drafts, and wrap the container with mash in an old blanket or something similar. It is important not to overdo it and not to overheat the contents of the can, otherwise the bacteria have a chance to die or lose activity.

A good way to maintain temperature stability is an aquarium heater.. It can be adjusted to temperatures up to 30°C and placed in the appropriate location. But only those who intend to brew moonshine on an ongoing basis should buy such a device.

It should be remembered that the fermentation process occurs with a significant release of heat, so the temperature of the wort must be constantly monitored and adjusted. Otherwise, if the solution heats up to 35°C, the effectiveness of yeast bacteria can be forgotten.

The fermentation process is controlled using a traditional medical glove or a lid with a water seal. But when pure sugar is used, this is not necessary; just leave the lid a little open.

How to understand that the mash is ready for distillation

In order for the mash to ripen, it is necessary at least five to seven days, and preferably more. This is the case when there is no point in rushing, it is better to wait until the moment when the wort reaches the condition required for further processing.

There are several points and signs by which you can determine the degree of readiness of the mash for the distillation process:

  • Gas emission (we are talking about carbon dioxide) stops completely. This is clearly visible from the condition of the medical glove and water seal. If the lid was opened slightly open, it is worth using a lit match at the intended place of gas release. When the match goes out, carbon dioxide is released and the fermentation process continues.
  • The color of the surface of the mash changes if you compare it with the original state. The raster becomes lighter and cleaner, so the yeast gradually settles.
  • The mash becomes bitter-sour in taste, the sweetness in it is not felt at all.
  • The alcohol smell and taste in the mash ready for distillation is very noticeable.

It is believed that if two of the four described signs meet the requirements, then it is time to distill the mash. However, if the sweet taste of sugar, fruit or berries is still felt, you need to allow the fermentation process to complete, allocating a few more days for this. The mash will ripen and the alcohol yield from it will be significantly higher.

In the process of preparing mash, several important points should be taken into account. Yeast should be dissolved in warm water before adding to the solution. The solution should stand for several minutes, after which it can be used for its intended purpose.

It often happens that when yeast is added to the wort, foam begins to appear abundantly. In this case, it is enough to add a little ground crackers or half a store-bought cookie to the liquid, the foam will stop forming. Vegetable oil is also used as an effective defoamer. Take about 50 ml per thirty liters of water. There are also a number of pharmaceutical drugs that are convenient to use to get rid of foam. The choice always remains with the one who will prepare the mash for distillation.

It is usually sufficient to add the defoamer once. But often, especially when using vegetable oil, the procedure should be repeated several times.

Many experienced moonshiners practice identifying and feeding yeast fungi, thus stimulating their activity. To do this, add a little bread or dried fruit, steamed grain, malt, fruit juice or other sugar-containing products to the wort. It is believed that for 50 liters of mash one loaf of rye bread is enough for such feeding.

Before distillation, it is recommended to heat the mash to 50°C. This is necessary to remove gases from the solution that will interfere with the moonshine brewing process. To speed up the degassing process, it is recommended to stir the mash intensively until the required state is reached.

Everyone knows that yeast directly affects the quality of prepared moonshine. Previously, it was not difficult to choose them, because they sold two types: bakery pressed and dry. They were used for all sorts of purposes. But now both the range and consumer requirements have become much wider. Despite the large selection of yeast in the store, real moonshine masters make their own hop yeast.

Among those who distill moonshine, legends about hop yeast have been circulating for many years. By the way, hops belong to the hemp family of plants and contain substances that, like hemp, affect the central nervous system.

In medicine, the plant is used for a sedative effect; it can be found in pharmacies and as part of popular sedatives.

For moonshine brewing, hops perform a number of useful functions:

  • improves the quality of mash, cleanses it of harmful substances and reduces fusel;
  • makes the mash color lighter if necessary;
  • perfectly replaces alcohol or the usual dry yeast when preparing moonshine;
  • makes the taste of alcohol soft and pleasant.

High-quality hop yeast will play the role of a good distiller. The plant contains many substances that activate the fermentation process. A homemade recipe for hop yeast for moonshine will help maintain the antioxidant effect and the mash will not sour.

Important! Even with homemade yeast from hops, do not forget about the temperature regime.

Where can I get hops for moonshine?

Having decided to make moonshine with hops, everyone wonders where to get it? You can start collecting plants and get wild hops yourself. It grows almost everywhere where the climate is temperate. But you need to collect cones only in August or September. After this they should be dried thoroughly.

But if you are not a fan of collecting pine cones yourself, then this is not necessary. To make homemade moonshine, you can buy powder, extracts or granulated hops. All this is available both in pharmacies and in regular grocery supermarkets. In addition, specialized stores sell already prepared hop yeast.

Sourdough recipe for hop moonshine

The following recipe will help you make hop yeast using hop pellets. For this you will need:

  • 1.5 liters of water at room temperature, divided into portions: 1 l and 0.5 l;
  • hops in granules (most often found in pharmacies);
  • 200 grams of hot water;
  • 100 grams of flour;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Having all the ingredients, you can start cooking.

  1. One liter of water is mixed with granulated pharmaceutical hops.
  2. The resulting mixture is placed on the stove, brought to a boil and kept on fire for an hour. The water will gradually evaporate and must be added to maintain the same volume.
  3. The broth should sit for 10–12 hours, then it should be thoroughly squeezed out, and the remaining pulp should be washed with hot water (200 grams). The water is not poured out, but added to the liquid that was filtered.
  4. Wait until the hops cool down to about 35 degrees, and pour the prepared flour and sugar into it.
  5. They wait two to three days. Foam will begin to actively form. When this happens, you can safely add leaven to the mash at the rate of four tbsp. l. starter for three liters of mash.

Yeast Making Recipes

To prepare hop yeast, you will need:

  • hop cones;
  • 0.5 liters of water at room temperature;
  • 1 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • 150 grams of flour.
  1. Take a container, put the cones in it and add water. Boil over low heat until 50% has evaporated. Cover everything tightly with a lid and wait eight hours.
  2. After eight hours, we filter and squeeze out the cake; it is not needed for moonshine brewing.
  3. Add 200 grams of previously prepared hop brew, sugar and flour to the liquid. Mix until smooth and completely free of lumps. We do not cover this mixture and leave it to brew for two days, at a temperature of 30–35 degrees. When choosing dishes, keep in mind that the starter will double in size.

There is also a recipe for making hop yeast with malt. For this you need:

  • 200 grams of hop granules;
  • 2 kg flour;
  • 1 kg barley malt;
  • 12 liters of water.
  1. The water must be heated to 40 degrees and added to it: malt, hops, flour. Mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps.
  2. Bring the resulting mass to a boil and simmer over low heat for 60 minutes. We make sure that the volume of water does not change, adding more if necessary.
  3. We filter. The resulting liquid will be an excellent fermentation catalyst.

Yeast can be called the most important element for starting the fermentation process. In addition, those prepared with hops add useful substances to the product. In this regard, the selection and preparation of yeast must be approached as responsibly as possible. Only by strictly following the recipe can you get a good result.